Nova sago worms – Final products

Finished product In these times of environmental issue awareness we would like to introduce to you; Nova brand edible sago worms. During these weeks we’ve been working hard at trying to package these bugs in a way that might convince people to change their eating habits and choose the more responsible alternative.

Sago worm – More horror and darkness

We’ve managed to create a finalized design for both of our two packaging solutions after some feedback. For starters both designs would need to be smaller, something we’d already considered which has now been confirmed. I mean honestly, how many worms would an average person eat in one sitting? Probably not very many. We were also…

Prototype progress

Status report I figured I’d write a bit about our prototype design process, since so far it’s been the main storyline of our project. We started out with a pretty simple base idea for the shape of our snack packaging solution; an octagon. The main motivations were that we wanted something a bit more geometrically…