Swedish Falu sausage, week 3

This week we had to rethink our work and we made some changes on our package and our ideas in general. We are starting to feel better about our package but we’re still having a lot of work to do on our brochure and on the ad whitch we been having trouble getting ideas for.

Falu sausage is coming from Dalarna which is also called the heart of Sweden, so we chose to have an illustration of a heart shaped falu sausage on the package, which also goes well together with our idea about everybody loving falu sausage. We also have the traditional art form from Dalarna; kurbits, painted in red, green and yellow on the package to maintain the colours of the sausage, spinache and potatoes.


Our package


The brochure will be made in the same design as the box and contain all the information needed about our product.


Our brochure