Chambres Lingerie – Mimi and poster

This week may be the last week we have the pleasure to work with Chambres Lingerie. Since this project is in the final race, there has been a lot of that would be fixed in this week.


Mimi – the printer we love to hate


As you could read in our previous blog post were we about to print on Mimi on Monday. Now it is done and we have reached the conclusion that we love to hate that printer.

Our first attempt didn’t ended quite as planned, as we had made it difficult for us and wanted to print double-sided. That is apperently not something our magic printer has a talent for, which we learned the hard way. But it was nothing else to do than to solve it and print again. (Thankfully we could get a time later the very same day to reprint.) The second time went much better and the result was stunning if I may say so myself.

This is a few of the printed items.




On Wednesday it was time to print the poster, which we thought would take about fifteen minutes (which it also usually takes). But, instead of the approximately fifteen minutes, we waited two and a half hours (!) on our poster. This because the printer had forgot to tell us that it was ready to print.


After the poster was finally discharged, it was time to find a special place for it in the stairwell in the house we almost have lived in these weeks. Now it is up on the wall and it was well worth the wait. The poster contains information about our upcoming vernissage.
