The lotus sushi drawer week 3

The mysterious sushi drawer has finally changed to the better. Now we are moving forward to the next challenge…



First of all I want to apologize for being late with this post, but Oskar and I have been working a lot with the design. Oskar didn’t get any sleep, so we decided to post it today, after having a break this weekend. First of all, the box is now smaller, so we chopped it off, and made it wider. Then we changed the whole design concept, and instead of making mount Fuji, we were inspired by the lotus flower instead, and carved out the window as the shape of the frame of flowers and put a piece of plastic so that the costumer will be able to look at the dish. The drawer has some small boxes and a squeeze package to package the soy, the ginger and the wasabi and we made the other box as an extra plate.
We have to decide how to improve the typography, and make the design more cleaner, because right now, it’s too much decoration on it.

We’re still working to improve ourselves more, so we’re not done yet. We are going to make a poster and a brochure for our package. See you next time!