Week 2 progress

Our idea is to make it easier when travelling with your cats. With our packaging you can easily bring several servings of food in a nice sustainable packaging. The packaging consists of three meals for three days with different flavours for every day. With our smart packaging you can easily use the lid as a bowl, removing the need to bring a metallic bowl that takes up unnecessary space.

The plan is to have a cylindrical packaging with three pucks inside it containing the cat food. If you completely remove the pucks from the inside, poke holes in the cylinder, put some loose food in it and put the lid back on the package turns into a fun activity for your cat. The cat can play with the package making the treats fall out of the small holes. No need to bring extra toys with you. The package is easily disposed when you are done with it.

In our moodboard we have presented some general ideas for colors, vibe and fonts we are looking to achieve on our packaging. We have some ideas but we have not come up with a name for the company and product. A logo design yet is also yet to be decided upon. Everything is subject to change.

Below we have provided some of the research we have made looking at other cat food products in stores, a small sample of our sketches and our moodboard.

//Joel Wallin, Albin Andersson, Mikaela Westerberg & Camilla Rönnberg Karlsson