24 hours to deadline

The big day is getting closer by the minute and the tension is rising. Deadline in 24 hours and alot of work to do.   We are currently working on the final details on our project how to innovate the way you eat butter on a daily basis. In addition to the packaging design we…

Piecy Update: Using the laser-cutter

Our product is nearing its final shape. We have been using the laser cutter to perforate the cardboard so it will be easier to break apart. We did also remove the corners near the perforation (the strongest part of the package) to further make it easier to open by its users. We have also made…

Piecy developing

  Finally we got a name to our product. Let us introduce Piecy! The name has its origin from the overall idea with our packaging – it can be diveded into pieces. We have chosen three different flavours: lime, orange and lemon. The flavours will be distinguished on the wrapping paper through different colours and illustrations…

introducing team BC

Hi! This is team BC, (Björn and Christer), and we have been given the assigment to revaluate the attitude against eating butter as a snack. Alot of work and alot of fun!