24 hours to deadline

The big day is getting closer by the minute and the tension is rising. Deadline in 24 hours and alot of work to do.

-Working on the poster in Photoshop CS5


We are currently working on the final details on our project how to innovate the way you eat butter on a daily basis. In addition to the packaging design we also must present a poster that will appeal to our target group and write a report that describes why we have chosen our name, our flavours and what market we are trying to reach with our product. And in addition to that(!) the report also needs to be designed.

-Report is designed in Indesign CS5

Tonight between 20-21 pm we have booked the writer to start printing our final design on carton. As you can tell it’s gonna be long day, (as many before), but in our next post in this blog we will proudly and officially present our product. Exciting!

Over and out for now. /Björn and Christer