The final products of realfood

Team Grasshopper is proudly presenting the final products. It’s been a long, intense and very interesting journey. What we have learned the most from these five weeks is the importance of planning, and that sure is something that we will have in mind with our future projects. The main idea with our products was to keep the…


Putting the elements together

After the previous chaotic week, we’re back on track! We have finally settled with the designs (more or less) and feel very good about them. Our main focus for week 4 was simply putting all elements together. On monday, Frida brought watercolor and brushes, she and Lina had a little watercolor session while I was…


From chaos to progress

Week three can be summarized as quite chaotic. We thought we had decided on the designs and we felt good with what we had, until we started overthinking it. We realized that we were on the wrong track and that the designs were nothing like what we had in the moodboard. Long story short – we didn’t…


realfood in the studio

We have now settled with a brand name for our company! Team grasshopper is now realfood, which stands for what we want to communicate with our product – real, eco-friendly products. During this second week, we got lots of new ideas for our project. We’ve been playing around with the designs quite a bit. What…


Team Grasshopper introduction

We are Annelie A. Sundström, Lina Nilsson and Frida Ödling – team grasshopper. We’re all very excited about this project! At the start of this course, none of us felt like eating bugs at all. But now when we have worked on this for about a week, it actually feels okay. Our goal is to…