The final prototype of the package design made exclusively for Malin Henningsson.

Malin Henningsson

Each carefully handmade necklace, bracer or other piece of jewelry is shipped to you in an exclusive packaging solution. Its unique shape and design makes it suitable both as a beautiful addition to your interior and as a case with which you can show off your fashionable accessory made by Malin Henningsson. Designed to please…

Project Henningsson: Home stretch

Past week During the week we’ve been out shopping for materials such as laces and still trying to figure out how to seal the jewelry box and we finally came up with a solution! We have also been printing on the universities Mimaci printer so now we have most of our final products complete and…

1:1 scale template prototype

Project Henningsson: The plot thickens

Project Henningsson, 1:1 scale template It seems time is on our side in regards of Project Henningsson. Although this week was mainly dedicated to writing a paper on the fundamentals of packaging design and analyzing a package of our choice that’s related to what we’re doing here. Not only did we write solid essays individually,…

Project Henningsson, package design prototype

Project Henningsson: Ideas and first draft

We have been tasked to deliver a packaging solution to the Swedish jewelry artist Malin Henningsson’s new collection of necklaces, rings etc. The target group for the collection are young women with an interest in fashion and career women living in big cities , the jewelry is created to be the centerpiece of an outfit…