Sushi take-away week 3

We have worked on the graphic design and we choose to make our package black.  It makes the package feel exclusive, and makes a good contrast to the pink flowers.We have also worked on the advertise. Click to read more. The thought with the advertise is to connect our package to Sweden. We went out…

Sushi take-away is growing!

Week two we’ve been eating sushi, doing research and developed our package. More about what’s happened the last week: Update from week two! The work is going great and our baby is growing day by day. We have changed the design a bit, we still work with the temple idea but the folding is different.…

Research at IKEA.

We started the project. At first we decided to try the Swedish dish “meatballs, boiled potatoes and lingonberry jam” on beginning this project. Last Saturday, we went to IKEA shop near our university, and ate meatball dish and some Swedish food.(IKEA is very popular also in Japan.) Now we are thinking about some arrangements of…

Hej, Mid Sweden University!!

Nice to meet you, we are members of Chiba University! ・Name: Akihiro Adachi ・Birthday: 1987/02/10 ・Major: Service and Product Design Hi! I am Akihiro Adachi.Please call me Akihiro. I am the only male member of the Chiba University members. So,I feel little small… I hope National Dish project will be Successful. Thank you. ——————————————————————————– ・Name:…

Week 2 – Folding, folding and folding.

A lot has happened since last week. We have folded carton over and over again and we have now narrowed our options down to one design that we are both very happy with. And this is it: We believe that this design, that is inspired by the shape of the chopsticks, is representing the dish…

The Rising Sun in Sweden, Week Two

Since last week we have built our first prototype. Because we decided to do a round box we had some obstacles to overcome. In the end we are pretty happy with how everything turned out. Now we have started to think about what the graphical design of the box is going to look like. Our…

Sushi puzzle box

The shape of the sushi-package is now finished. Now it’s time to apply the graphical design on our beautiful package. This week has been tough and stressful but also fun with many challenges. The focus has mostly been on the shape because we wanted it to be special. The graphical design is not that complicated,…

Wow, we make progress!

Yes, after a couple of very long days and nights we have a prototype. We have managed to “invent” all the technical aspects and The Sushi Drawer is now a functioning package. Just look at it! Beautiful, isn’t it? Although we have long way until we have reached the finish line. The first step is…

Sashimi, week 2

This week we have made 5 prototypes of our sashimi package so that we could see how everyting fits and what adjustments we needed to do to make it even better. We have also started to think about and sketch out our graphic design on our package. On the inside of the package we have…