Team Emma-Sara: Creating Prototypes

This week we’ve been creating many, many prototypes.

Our different prototypes

We’ve been trying to find out which kind of packaging would be most suited for our assignment of packaging butter.

We started of very simple, with just a square box. Then we continued working on it and at the moment it is still square, but with a more interesting way of opening it. We’ve also worked on our logotype and what kind of pattern to put on the package.

Our patterns for the package

The foundation of our patterns is a buttercup. We started with a yellow flower, but to suit our target group we changed it and tried out all kinds of colours.

The colours of the patterns also represent a flavour of butter. The green pattern is for our basil & tomato flavour, the orange one is for our hazzelnut flavour and the blue one is for the lactose free butter.

Until next time,

Emma & Sara