Detail work and candle wax chaos

Hello! This week we have continued to work with the packaging, it really feels that it begins to turn out as we like and hoped for. There have been a lot of small fixes and details that have been modified, such as the kerning of the logo and the change of text size, etc.

We have also come up with a solution about how to show what shape it is on the cup in that particular package without having to cut a window or make a new illustration for each package, we will make stickers!

We have made several attempts to make the candles by melting candle wax from old candles but it has gone sooo wrong! We don´t know if there is something “wrong” on the candle wax itself, if we didn´t get it warm enough or what else that might be wrong.

We have therefore decided that we will buy new light mass and make the candles from scratch. We are also wondering if we should print the logo on the bottom of the cup and, of course, how we should do this??