Building prototypes and testing concepts

This week got a bit crazy to be honest, with an exam eating up most of the first two days of it.

Despite that we did manage to get a lot done tho, looking back. We have finally started prototyping some designs, both for full-game packaging as well as for packing up game-pieces separately.

In addition to that we spent a large portion of the week designing and testing various designs for our packaging print. This has now given us a better understanding of both the advantages and disadvantages with our current design, and what we need to change and work on for next week.

Unfortunately we have also had a fair bit of technical difficulties this week, which made some tasks a lot more difficult and arduous than they needed to be. Still, in the end we managed to overcome them and we both feel like this week ended up being a productive one.

Lastly, this Friday’s feedback session gave us some valuable thoughts and pointers on our design path so far, which we will have to explore further, but that is a task for next week.

So until then, take care.

Packaging prototypes Packaging prototypes and concepts Packaging prototypes and concepts