Week three

The third week is here and we begin the week with a home examination in packaging design. It was hard, but I’m sure it’s necessary!

As the week continues we’re moving on with the project and the many ideas and design decisions we have to do. We’re about to make a visual presentation for Friday, and we try to figure out how to show the teachers our vision. Sounds easy maybe, but it wasn’t. In the end, we decided to make a digital “vision board”, as seen above, a drawing of the box we’re about to make (something like the stolen picture above) and also a draft of the pitch we’re about to do on the recycle festival.

Also, the skirt is finally finished and we’re very happy with it. But it also mean we can move on with the jewellery-making, now that we have a colour scheme from the skirt. After all, the skirt is the statement part of our project.

That’s all for week three!

Have a good one!


//Group Tage