Final week ~ Illegal packaging & showtime

Hi there!

The week started with presenting and receiving feedback on the prototype to make sure it worked. Plot twist: the packaging was illegal which in hindsight, makes a lot of sense. We had waaaay too much space around the product which is not allowed in EU. So we headed back to the computer screens and resized it and fit the layout to the new dimensions, which was an improvement. Not only is it legal, which is great, but its also a bit more cost efficient and sustainable.


Old vs new ( illegal vs legal )

Printing the final packages

On Tuesday we struggled with folding and gluing the packages, dear god that was an experience. After a whole day of using a stick to put a glue strip inside the boxes, we were finally finished with the packages. We wish we had a picture but we got caught in deep concentration.

Midway through the week we took to the studio for product photography (With a broken tripod it was more like a twopod).  Here we took photos for product/packaging documentation and the poster for our product. We composed a composition with suitable props, tested different light setups. We chose a black backdrop to create a dramatic effect. Our priority was to bring out the blade and make the logo stand out. However, the most difficult part was to NOT eat the bread.


Package photography


Some product/packaging photos

During Thursday we put together our podium and pitch presentation, and so it was Friday… The day started with preparing our podium once again. We also practised some more on our pitch presentation before waiting on the guests. After a long wait the guests arrived and the event began with all the groups presenting their pitch. Our pitch probably felt worse than it actually was. The overall experience felt pretty good to us afterwards. People seemed interested and positive to our concept /product/packaging. In the ned, we were pretty content with the days’ achievements and getting to eat our prop bread  afterwards as a reward. Happy ending.


Podium and Kvarstå at the event


Stay sharp!

// Molly & Alice Group 5

Over and out.