Our final result – Botvid

Hey guys! We had our deadline for this design project last Friday, and also an exhibition at school. We had a 30 sec pitch and it was hard to say something smart in such a short time – But we nailed it. A lot of people showed up at the exhibition and gave us really good feedback.…

Getting closer!

The fourth week is almost over and the days are passing by so fast. We can’t belive that the deadline is exactly one week from now! However the project is starting to come together nicely and we have spent a lot of hours and discussions about small details and problems that we have run into…

Half way through!

Hello, the third week of this course has passed. Our focus this week has been to make our product as ready as possible for the pitch that we had today. We came up with a slogan that made the whole concept come together. Our picture of the concept for this project has always been very clear for…

Moodboard – Botvid

Hello again! A week has passed and we have been working really hard (and had a lot of fun, because we are best friends and love this project!). On Wednesday we had some problems, we had made a prototype and showed it to our teacher and he then let us know that it was waay…


Let’s get started!

Hello there! We are two graphic design students at Mid Sweden University. Our current project is based on circular packaging and we are going to make environment-friendly packages. We found our product that we are supposed to redesign on a dump! To kill all possible bacteria that might be in our product we are keeping them…