Our final result – Botvid

Hey guys!
We had our deadline for this design project last Friday, and also an exhibition at school. We had a 30 sec pitch and it was hard to say something smart in such a short time – But we nailed it. A lot of people showed up at the exhibition and gave us really good feedback. We were really happy with our result and it was a great experience. It was very nice to be able to talk with the guests about our product and they were super curious of the design and function.

We printed our design on the Mimaki-printer at the beginning of the week. After everything was printed we unfortunately saw a major misstake. Embarrassing as it was… we had spelled wrong on a very easy swedish word. We have learned our lesson and will for sure proofread for several times next time. The picture below is on our poster fresh out of the Mimaki.

A close-up on the packaging in both of its forms.

On this picture can you see our shoe with an uplifting touch that we made for the sole.

And this is our podium for the exhibition. We went a little overboard with the props but we are happy we were able to show the two functions of the packaging – as a shoebox and as a shelf.

Thank you for showing interest during our project.
Hugs, Malin & Johanna