Iman Aldebe

Iman Aldebe’s spectacular and ecological creations and designs transform characteristic Muslim symbols into beautiful couture. Our mission has been to create packaging solutions for her lovely fashion creations and develop her brand and its graphic identity. Carin Eliasson & Maya Flood  

Iman Aldebe

Iman Aldebe: The final design collection

The final week has arrived and the big day is really close now. Thankfully we’re satisfied with our complete design collection. It turned out the way we wanted it and now we cross our fingers and hope that Iman Aldebe shares our opinion. We took the weekend off and filled it with massage and a…

Iman Aldebe

Iman Aldebe: Templates

This week’s focus has been on creating two different package templates for Iman Aldebe’s turban collection. Based on our ideas and sketches we did some measuring and prototype-making before we used Adobe Illustrator to make the templates. It hasn’t been a totally flawless procedure, but it’s been fun (even though some hair has been ripped off…