Iman Aldebe: The final design collection

The final week has arrived and the big day is really close now. Thankfully we’re satisfied with our complete design collection. It turned out the way we wanted it and now we cross our fingers and hope that Iman Aldebe shares our opinion.

We took the weekend off and filled it with massage and a lot of sleep and most importantly no to-do’s, what so ever. A great decision because now we are full of new energy!

This week started up with the final print work. A few minor mistakes later we ended up with great print results that now are real packages. The whole collection is now fulfilled.

Iman Aldebe

The final design collection

Iman Aldebe

The matchbox


Since we think it’s important with consistency and having a thread trough all elements in the project we made a graphic manual with the same design language as everything else in the collection. We are pleased with the outcome.

Iman Aldebe

Iman Aldebe’s graphic manual

Iman Aldebe


After the presentation this Friday we invite you to the opening of the exhibition where our packaging solutions will be displayed in showcases at Mid Sweden University. You are most welcome!

Iman Aldebe

The exhibition poster


This is our last blog post. Thanks for following us and our journey through this project.
It has been five amazing weeks!


Love Carin and Maya