The Heart of Sashimi

This is the result of our work these five last weeks.

The Dish

We chose to make a package for ten pieces of Sashimi. Four salmon pieces, two mackerel pieces, two tuna pieces and two pieces of octopus. We chose this because we felt that we wanted to choose something different and that it would be fun and challenging.

Target group

The people that we are aiming for are men and women between the ages of 20-50 years old. We feel that Sushi and Sashimi are dishes that has become more popular in the later years here in Sweden. And younger people starts to like it more and more. We also feel that the older people doesn’t really know what this dish is, and just thinks that it sounds weird to eat raw fish. It will eventually rise with the ages but right now we think that it looks like this.

The Package and design

We wanted to do a package that wouldn’t look like the typical rectangular/square shaped packages placed in the stores. Therefore we tried out shapes like circular, half circular and triangular shapes and got attached pretty fast to the triangular shape. We started to work with it to get it to work in the purpose we wanted it to. We also found a book about quilling and got really inspired by this quilling technique, we started to make the inner boxes to put Sashimi, wasabi, soy and ginger in this style. We made them formed like drops, some of these drip formed boxes lies into another one so it makes a nice pattern inside the package. If you put two open packages together in a particular way these drip formed boxes makes a shape of three hearts. If you put eight of them together it makes a nice flower. We first wanted the box to be black, which communicates an exclusive look, with some graphics on the front, but later changed our minds and decided that we wanted a more sophisticated and clean design. We then stripped off almost all of the graphics and made the box a bright white colour. The white colour we chose communicates the freshness of the food, and we also got to keep that sophisticated look.


The package are going to be seen in the fish section at the food stores. We want that our sashimi to be eaten whenever you feel like it. Everything from business meetings and nice dinners to picknicks in the park. If you want a romantic dinner you can do as stated before in the part above, put two of the boxes together so that they will form the shape of three hearts. In a business meeting you can also decorate the dinner table with the eight boxed flower.


For our ad we wanted to show the different shapes that you can create with the box. We wanted to emphazise that special feeling of perfection that both Take Mikados sashimi and our boxes holds with the text “Right form for the right moment” and underneath the illustration the text “Japanese perfection – Take Mikado”.