Printing in the anthill

Hi again!

This week we’ve continued to work on our package prototypes and the design for the packages. We’ve made two prototypes that we’re finally happy with after maybe twenty adjustments to the originals we came up with.

Designing a logo

After writing a ton of logo suggestions by hand we came up with one that’s both digital and handmade. One half of the logo i scanned from paper and the other half is made i Photoshop. We’ve chosen to name our brand “bleck.”. Bleck means tinplate in Swedish, which we found fitting since our company produces baking ingredients.

Making designs

We’ve started the process of designing the packages, both on the inside and the outside. We’ve come up with a pattern and chosen a font that we really like. We’re staying on the minimalistic track with a more colorful and complex pattern on the inside.

Eating ants (!)

We ordered some ants to try out the taste, and also to bake with. At first they had a very distinct smell of meat broth and other unpleasant things we don’t need to talk about here, but once we’ve aired them out a bit the smell was more tolerable. It tasted a bit like the smell with a citrusy aftertaste, we guess it’s an acquired taste…


Vendela cutting the printed package.

Vendela cutting the printed package.



This Friday we got the chance to test out the Mimaki printer. We made a test sheet with one of the packages, fonts in different sizes and the pattern that we are putting inside of the packages. Unfortunately we made most of the text way to big, but hey, that’s what the test printing is for, making mistakes before the final printing.

Printing with the Mimaki

Printing with the Mimaki

Whats next?

Next week we have to continue to work on the design, we’ve only begun and we still have a lot of work to do. The first pitch is also coming up, we’re looking forward to that and to getting some feedback on what we have produced so far.

Tune in next week to see more progress!