Final week – Show time!

The final week is over and we put our last power into the final touches of our project!   And after some prints.. And more prints.. And some more prints.. …We were done with our packaging project plus recycled products and we get to show them off at the recycle festival!   After the pitch…

Final week!

Hello again! This week we finally finished our project! We struggled a bit with the last details of the packaging solution, regarding where to put the lamp illustration on the box, but were able to agree on a settlement that pleased both us and the teachers, yay! On the last day of Friday, we displayed…

Prototypes and logo

Hello again! This week we’ve had our hands pretty full. We started by making a simple packaging prototype which we after the construction of the lamp realized was too small to fit the entirety of the can and cord. Therefore our next step will be working on resizing the design. All five of the lamps…

First week in the design project

Day 1 Lecture in the morning than we got our own work areas in the workshop. Day 2 Surprise field trip to the city dump to do some purchase for our assignment. Day 3   We start our project carefully with some inspirations and prototypes. Try to figure out how we want our design. Slowly…


Recycling festival – ReCup

Hello! At the finial week of this project we continued with our packaging and our cups. The candles and the stickers we were thinking about last week both turned our ok. This week we printed and folded our packaging and yesterday we also printed our poster for the recycling festival, however after printing the poster…

Bladverket–finally done!

Hey everybody!  What a fun and exiting week and now we are finally done! We don´t think we´ve ever spent as much time at school after business hours as we have done this week, BUT all the work and long evenings spent at school has actually resulted in a product and packaging that we can…

Getting closer!

The fourth week is almost over and the days are passing by so fast. We can’t belive that the deadline is exactly one week from now! However the project is starting to come together nicely and we have spent a lot of hours and discussions about small details and problems that we have run into…

Bladverket–Design process week four

Hello from Bladverket! Hope everybody have had a fun fourth week! Tilda and I had a very eventful week with a lot of design decisions and form solutions. We started our week by making a array of different candles with our selected rosemary scent. We have never done this before so the whole process was…

Week three–Pitch and form ideas

Hello! Hope everybody had a fun and inspirational week! This week have been filled with a lot of studying and exam-doing which have resulted in that we haven’t had as much time as earlier weeks to really focus on our product and packaging design. The result of this slow week is that we don’t have…