Mimaki the printer – We meet again

Hello dear readers!

We started the week with analyzing the feedback we got on Fridays pitch and got ready to meet mimaki again.

The feedback we got

The teatchers gave us criticism on the typogaphy on the front, it was a bit to static and not so interesting to look at. So we did some changes that made it more dynamic and more interesting to look at.



Chocolate box before.


Box after feedback

Box after feedback


We also changed the pattern a bit so the space between the windows in the houses is a bit bigger. In the previous design it was so thin it almost didn’t show in print 


pattern after feedback


For the inside of the chocolate bar we made a green background with the conversation starters in white. We also added the line “let´s snacka” to both of the packaging. 

Inside of box

Inside of box


Printing the final product on mimaki

On tuesday we had made most of the changes that we were going to do before printing the final product. So when we arrived in the morning we thought, all we have to do is save as pdf. But somehow, as always, it ended up with a million things to do to make it perfect.. But after a few hours, we finally had everything in the right place! The print turned out great! We could finally breath after a lot of late nights and changes back and forth. This is how the final products turned out:

Finished product!

Finished product!


Reflections of the course

We all agree this has been one of the most educational course so far. We have learned to make sketches of packages and to work with a client. We had to listen to their demands and requests, we also needed have Mid Sweden Universitys graphic profile in mind. But the best of all has been to work together in a group to a reach a common goal. The great teamwork has made our design process an easy and fun journey.

Group 4

photographing products

photographing final products

photographing final products


To see our previous post, click here!


1000 of hugs from group 4, see you soon!

Linda Bengtsson, Annica Karlsson, Isabella Legetth & Louise Dahl