Sopbok – the beginning


This week we had an exciting adventure in dumpster diving. We received an assignment about recycling and preservation. In short, we are supposed to choose a disposed item found at the waste dump and bring it back to the market with a fresh packaging. At the waste dump we found an array of interesting items that we brought back to our classroom to decide which one to redesign. Everything from a set of christmas decorations, different kinds of helmets, an old laptop to a bag full of fabrics. In the end we went along with an old book that is still fully functional.

The Concept

We came up with the idea to spice up the cover of the book and give it a brand new packaging. The concept is to collect disposed books from libraries and waste dumps and give them a second chance, and for this assignment our main focus is on the secondary packaging (the exterior packaging). After presenting our idea to our teachers we decided to go with a more exclusive approach to the design of certain editions. These more exclusive packages would contain an unique pop-up illustration inspired by the book.

Gang members

We are three students from Mid Sweden University and we are enrolled in the Graphics Design Communication program second year. The group consists of me (Hektor Pettesson), Jaden Pirfano Kristoffersson och Alexandra Källström Gernes.

Peace out.


The selected item