Bladverket–Creative packaging design

Hello everybody!

Its fun to finally start this fun and exiting assignment! The first week is now over so we thought it would be a good idea to summarize what we have done and what we plan to do during the coming weeks. The assignment we got is to re-use a product and make a fitting brand and a package to go with it and we found a number of objects during our search at the recycle station earlier this week. We did finally pick two objects to work with and we are going to present them below.

Brown Jar-idea 
A jar has many functions and we thought it would be a good idea to extent the cycle of use as far as possible by converting the jar into a candle. After the candle has burned out and the jar is empty we thought it would be fun to make it possible for the buyer to plant something in it, like basil or thyme(or something else you can eat). To connect the different functions we got the idea to infuse the candle with the the plants corresponding scent to tie the concept together.

Brown jar idea

Brown jar idea

We have experienced that the plants that we buy die or get damaged during the procedure of getting it from the store to our home. Based on this we got the idea to make a case(and or box) that will protect the said plant from damage. The box is supposed to be sable and it should protect the plant from any damage during its travels. The reason why we got the idea was because we found a number of terra-cotta plastic pots at the dump and we thought that could be used again. Plastic is a very destructive substance for the planet and it takes a long time to break down in nature and based on this we thought it could have a better function than destruction!

We love both the said ideas and our ambition is to make time to make them both!

We have made a “creative brief” where we wrote down the problem, product, target group, budget etc and we worked a lot with conceptualizing the idea and the theme around the objects. In addition to this we have looked a lot online for inspiration and form ideas,but also looked in a couple of books and magazines for additional ideas.

A part of our process

One thing we thought would be fun to do is to make up a cool and creative name for our company and product. We are going to name some of our options below:
Brown Jar-idea 
>Fröken Ört
>Lyster ört
>Burk Bruk
>(Name of the herbs in latin on packaging)
Plant idea
>Vegetation Station

We decided to name our company “bladverket” because this makes it possible to connect the two products if we choose to make them both. To get a little inspiration on this Friday afternoon we went home to get some Swedish chokladboll and to write this and work a little bit more on our concept!

Beatrice Gilberg Fryxell
Tilda Berkö