
Day 12 and we’ve been having a week with totally focus on collecting information and inspiration. Work in progress. Moodboard – this is going to be so much fun with this project! Keywords: Humor, Culture, Fun, Social and “it was better back in the days”. To be continued, best regards Group 3, Karolin Johansson and…

Second week

Hi! Second week is soon to be over! These days have been crazy, chaotic and improving. Last weekend we made some prototypes for our “book as a pot”-idea, which unfortunately didn’t work out the way we hoped for. After some guiding from the teachers we began using the pens that we found. We wanted to use…

Folding papers and making moodboard

This week we got to fold some paper into different packages, we also continued in the creative process with different ideas and brainstorming.   We also brainstormed some ideas for labels to our clothes, we both made some paintings for samples to the label. We also tried to made some samples for our package, right…

Prototype of our packaging

Prototypes and type

Moody moodboard Last week we started to work a little bit with the moodboard, and this week we finished it up with some typographic examples, colors, structure and images. The colors are inspired by nature, in a way that brown and red-ish colors are dominant. We also included some paper scraps with different textures and…

Barbro moodboard by Kulör

Moodboard!   The last week we`ve been doing a moodboard to our packaging design to figure out what kind of style we want. Decide target group, graphic profile and logos. We´ve created the brand Kulör and our product is called Barbro and that is shoes, a clog to be specific that we found at the…

Moodboard – Botvid

Hello again! A week has passed and we have been working really hard (and had a lot of fun, because we are best friends and love this project!). On Wednesday we had some problems, we had made a prototype and showed it to our teacher and he then let us know that it was waay…

Moodboard and Test printing

Moodboard The purpose of the moodboard is to get a feeling for how our packaging will look like. We started with printing out images and text and we found inspiration in fashion magazines that we cut out. While we worked on the moodboard we got som new fresh ideas as usual. It feels like that everytime…


realfood in the studio

We have now settled with a brand name for our company! Team grasshopper is now realfood, which stands for what we want to communicate with our product – real, eco-friendly products. During this second week, we got lots of new ideas for our project. We’ve been playing around with the designs quite a bit. What…

Periferi – Moodboard

Ten hour days This week has been busy for us at Periferi all day everyday, making a moodboard and starting to work more thoroughly with our prototypes. Contuinuing our work from last week and moving forward with the protoypes. We have gone through some dull moments, but a lot of good times too! Some key decisions have been…

Challenges of function and form

Last week we decided our scenario, a housewarming gift, for Cederroths First Aid Kit. Now we have created a moodboard that shows the feeling we want to achieve with our design. The moodboard is based on the keywords we have chosen from the teachers list from Kobayashis color image scale – calm, chic/elegant and pleasant…