The last bonjour & photos of the final package

Bonjour! Wow, this is unbelievable! We are finally done with everything! Our First Aid Kit is done, our design manual is done and the pitch is complete. This is such a relief and we can’t really understand that our course is now over. We have both worked so hard during these couple of weeks and especially since…

Prototype re-design thoughts

Bonjour! This Wednesday was examination day and we got feedback on the work we have done so far and we got to see all of our classmates work too. Very exciting and inspiring to see what all of us has come up with. Next friday is the final presentation and we have a lot to…


Bonjour! It’s finally Friday and this week has been very effective. We have been working a lot on illustrations and colors that will be printed on the packaging. The thing we are most excited to tell you about is that our main design for our First-Aid-Kit is done. The colors we have chosen for the pattern is four shades…

Felicia&Phelicia – Packaging design

Bonjour and welcome! We are Felicia Karlström and Phelicia Berggren and currently we have an assignment to develop and design a new look for a first aid kit originally made by Cederroth. It is a very exciting and challenging task! The focus lies on designing a cardboard first aid kit package, and we have chosen to develop a package that…