The final

So this is the final post in our Pascual project. Its been a rough last week with tons of hard work and lack of sleep. We had some trubble finding the correct mesurments for the loose card stock panels, but after a bunch of tests we managed to figure it out along with the correct…

One week to go

Welcome back, again! In the beginning of this week we decied on our product name, which will be Pascual. The name is inspired by the french mathematician and fysician Blaise Pascal, who invented the first working calculator, which was the foundation of modern computers. We added a U in the name to create the kemical…

Pre-exam and prototype

Welcome back! Last week we didn’t write any post. We have no valid excuse. We where busy prepearing for our pre-exame pitch and still hard at work with our prototype. The prototype phase for us have been a long and complicated story. We really wanted to prefect the diagonal line that was formed when the…

CPU-assembly and copper moodboard

Welcome back! This week we fokused on assembling of the parts we found at the recycling station. With help from Janne att the industrial desgin department we drilled and milled the CPU-cooler blocks so that we could assemble them. The result is a standing lamp made out of CPU-cooler combined with new lampholders from Clas…

Reusing electronic components

Hi! We have been assinged to reuse a product or material and create something new. We are also suppose to repack the item and put it up for sale during a  “reusefestival”. During a visit at the local recycling station, we gathred some electronic components and metallic parts of diffrent shapes and sizes. We picked apart…