Sea Bathing

In summer, we go to the beach. We enjoy swimming in the sea and playing with friends.

After playing, we are very very hungry.

And, we eat lunch.


But, there’s some sand on our hand, and it is dirty.

Of course, we wash our hands.

But we feel our hands are still dirty.

So, we propose this package.

Design concept of this packageĀ  is ” Even dirty hands I can eat “.


The menu of lunch box at the beach is Japanese ONIGIRI(Rice ball), deep-fried chicken, and TSUKEMONO.

ONIGIRI is Japanese traditional food.

And it is a light meal.

So, we can eat in casual scene like in the sea.

The shape is triangle, and there are various ingredients in it.

UMEBOSHI, Salmon, and so on.

And we eat it by the hand.

ONIGIRI is Japanese fast food, like an American hamburger.

TSUKEMONO is Japanese pickles.

This is a traditional food, too.


The design point of this package is cut line on the package.

When we eat ONIGIRI, we hold this package.

And we peel the package.


And this package can stand on the beach.

So, we can put it on the jagged ground at the beach.


By this new package, we can eat even dirty hands at the beach.

And play again!!!